Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Be happy

Our daily lives can be happier, as in a brighter, with a more positive outlook on our current situation and on the world around us. 
To say being happy is a matter of choice can come off slightly discounting I realize, assuming all we have to do is say so, and by virtue of that simple act things turn around, miraculously come together, and we are magically transformed to a lighter, happier place. 
Truth of the matter is...Yep, it’s actually that simple. To be “happy” is all in our attitude, our perception and our reactions to people and the circumstances around us.
Our days are filled with so many responsibilities, so many demands we place on ourselves that it’s true, not everything or everyone we encounter is conducive to happiness.
 We are not monks or impervious to the barrage of negative energy and dialogue that can fly from one moment to the next. 
We can however control how we react to particular events and choose to throw those heavy, dark and chaotic thoughts right out the window and instead, recognize that, even on the most trying and difficult of days we do have the power to step back and not let the negative stuff influence our feelings or cloud our perceptions. 
Here’s what I do when I want to boost my mood and find my happy side.

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